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Indian Journals

  1. Banaras Law Journal

  2. Bharati Law Review

  3. Cochin University Law Review

  4. Comparative Constitutional Law Administrative Law Quarterly

  5. Economic & Political Weekly

  6. ILI Law Review

  7. India Law Journal​​

  8. Indian Journal of Arbitration Law

  9. Indian Journal of Constitutional Law

  10. Indian Journal of Criminology

  11. Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics

  12. Indian Journal of Human Development

  13. Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law

  14. Indian Journal of Law and Technology

  15. Indian Journal of Legal Theory

  16. Indian Law Review

  17. Indian Police Journal

  18. International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences

  19. International Journal of Cyber Criminology

  20. International Journal of International Law

  21. International Journal of Law

  22. International Journal of Law and Legal Juriprudence Studies

  23. International Journal of Law and Policy Review

  24. International Journal of Legal Developments & Allied Issues

  25. International Journal of Legal Insight

  26. International Journal of Legal & Social Studies

  27. International Journal of Legal Studies and research

  28. ISIL Year Book of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law 

  29. Journal of Indian Law Institute

  30. Journal of Indian Law and Society

  31. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights

  32. Journal of Intellectual Property Studies

  33. Journal of Legal Analysis & Research

  34. Journal on Contemporary Issues of Law

  35. Law, Environment and Development Journal

  36. Law Mantra Online Journal

  37. Mainstream Weekly

  38. Media Law Review

  39. NALSAR Student Law Review

  40. NLIU Law Review

  41. NLUD Journal of Legal Studies

  42. NUJS Law Review

  43. Nyaya Deep

  44. RGNUL Financial & Mercantile Law Review

  45. Socio-Legal Review

  46. Trade, Law and Development

Foreign Journals


  1. Asian American Law Journal

  2. Beijing Law Review

  3. Berkeley Business Law Journal

  4. Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy

  5. Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law

  6. Berkeley Journal of Employment & Labor Law

  7. Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice

  8. Berkeley Journal of International Law

  9. Berkeley Journal of Middle Eastern & Islamic Law

  10. Berkeley Technology Law Journal

  11. BRICS Law Journal

  12. Brooklin Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law

  13. Buffalo Law Review

  14. California Law Review

  15. Clinical Law Review

  16. Connecticut Insurance Law Journal

  17. Connecticut Journal of International Law

  18. Connecticut Law Review

  19. Cornell Law Review

  20. Duke Law & Technology Review

  21. Ecology Law Qarterly

  22. Electronic Journal of Islamic & Middle Eastern Law

  23. Entertainment & Sports Law Journal

  24. European Journal of Law & Technology

  25. Florida State University Law Review

  26. Georgia Journal of International & Comparative Law

  27. German Law Journal

  28. Harvard Business Law Review

  29. Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review

  30. Harvard Environmental Law Review

  31. Harvard Human Rights Journal

  32. Harvard International Law Journal

  33. Harvard Journal of Law & Gender

  34. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy

  35. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology

  36. Harvard Journal on Legislation

  37. Harvard Law Review

  38. Harvard Negotiation Law Review

  39. Health and Human Rights Journal

  40. Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law

  41. Indonesia Law Review

  42. International Free & Open Source Software Law Review

  43. International Journal for Court Administration

  44. International Journal of Criminology

  45. International Journal of Language & Law

  46. International Journal of Law, Psychology & Human Life

  47. Internet Journal of Law, Healthcare & Ethics

  48. Journal of Business & Securities Law

  49. Journal of Civil & Legal Sciences

  50. Journal of Copyright in Education & Librarianship

  51. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology

  52. Journal of Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society

  53. Journal of Entertainment & Sports Law

  54. Journal of Information, Law & Technology

  55. Journal of Intellectual Property Law

  56. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law

  57. Journal of International Commercial Law & Technology

  58. Journal of Internationa Trade, Logistics & Law

  59. Journal of the United Nations

  60. Journal of Law, Policy & Globalization

  61. Journal of Law & Commerce

  62. Journal of Law & Education

  63. Journal of Law & Family Studies

  64. Journal of Legal Analysis

  65. Journal of Media Law & Ethics

  66. Journal of Open Access to Law

  67. Journal of Science & Technology Law

  68. Juridica International

  69. Law Review

  70. Laws

  71. Law, Democracy & Development

  72. Law, Social Justice & Global Development

  73. Melbourne University Law Review

  74. Michigan Technology & Telecommunications Law Review

  75. Nebraska Law Review

  76. Northwestern Journal of Human Rights

  77. Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business

  78. Northwestern Journal of Law & Policy

  79. Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property

  80. Northwestern University Law Review

  81. NYU Environmental Law Journal

  82. NYU Law Review

  83. Pittsburgh Journal of Environmental & Public Health Law

  84. Pittsburgh Journal of Technology Law & Policy

  85. Public Space: The Journal of Law & Social Justice

  86. Richmond Journal of Global Law & Business

  87. ​Richmond Journal of Law & Technology

  88. SCRIPTed - A Journal of Law, Technology & Society

  89. South Carolina Journal of International Law & Business

  90. Standford Technology Law Review

  91. UCLA Journal of Law & Technology

  92. UCL Journal of Law & Jurispridence

  93. University of Pittsburgh Law Review

  94. Ultrecht Journal International & European Law

  95. Utah Law Review​​

  96. Washington University Law Review

  97. Western Jouornal of Legal Studies

  98. Yale Journal of Law & Technology

  99. Yale Journal on Regulation​​

  100. Yale Law Journal

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