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  1. Acta Universitatis Danubius : Administratio

  2. Africa Spectrum

  3. African Journal on Conflict Resolution

  4. Alternatives : Turkish Journal of International Relations

  5. American Diplomacy

  6. Brazilian Political Science Review

  7. Cadmus

  8. Canadian Political Science Review

  9. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies

  10. Central European Journal of Public Policy

  11. CES Working Papers

  12. CEU Political Science Journal

  13. Colombia Internacional

  14. Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance

  15. Cultural Logic : an Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice

  16. eJournal of eDemocracy & Open Government

  17. Electronic Journal of e-Government

  18. Essex Human Rights Review

  19. Ethics & Global Politics

  20. European Integration Online Papers

  21. Interdisciplinary Political Studies

  22. International Journal of Conflict and Violence

  23. International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies

  24. International Journal of Inclusive Democracy

  25. International Journal of Public Information Systems

  26. International Journal of the Commons

  27. International Socialism

  28. Island Studies Journal

  29. Journal of Administration & Governance

  30. Journal of Comparative Politics

  31. Journal of Conflictology

  32. Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies (JCGS)

  33. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs

  34. Journal of Global Analysis

  35. Journal of Identity and Migration Studies

  36. Journal of Political Ecology : Case Studies in History and Society

  37. Journal of Politics and Law

  38. Journal of Politics in Latin America

  39. Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe

  40. Living Reviews in European Governance

  41. New Proposals : Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry

  42. Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights

  43. Optimum Online : Journal of Public Sector Management

  44. Peace and Conflict Review

  45. Peace, Conflict and Development

  46. Romanian Journal of European Affairs (RJEA)

  47. Studies of Transition States and Societies

  48. Sur : International Journal on Human Rights

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