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  1. African Population Studies

  2. Amfiteatru Economic

  3. Annals of Dunărea de Jos University. Fascicle I : Economics and Applied Informatics

  4. Annals of the University of Petrosani : Economics

  5. Asian Development Review : Studies of Asian and Pacific Economic Issues

  6. AUCO Czech Economic Review

  7. BRAND : Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation, and Distribution

  8. Business and Economic History On-Line

  9. Business and Economic Horizons

  10. CESifo Forum

  11. Consilience : The Journal of Sustainable Development

  12. Contemporary Economics

  13. Cuadernos de Economía

  14. Current Research Journal of Economic Theory

  15. Demographic Research

  16. Econ Journal Watch

  17. Economia : Seria Management

  18. Economic Analysis Working Papers

  19. Economic Annals

  20. Economic Sociology : the European Electronic Newsletter

  21. Economics : the Open-Access, Open-Assessment e-Journal

  22. Economics Bulletin

  23. Economics Research International

  24. Economy Informatics

  25. Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition

  26. Ekonomski Pregled

  27. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics

  28. EuroEconomica

  29. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research

  30. Games

  31. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites

  32. Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics & New Economy

  33. International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies

  34. International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research

  35. International Journal of Economics and Finance

  36. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies

  37. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues

  38. International Journal of Economics and Research

  39. International Journal of Population Research

  40. International Productivity Monitor

  41. International Real Estate Review

  42. International Review of Economics Education

  43. Journal of Choice Modelling

  44. Journal of Economic and Social Policy

  45. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies

  46. Journal of Economics and Business Research

  47. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences

  48. Journal of Financial Therapy

  49. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy

  50. Journal of the Australasian Tax Teachers Association

  51. Kasarinlan : Philippine Journal of Third World Studies

  52. Lecturas de Economía

  53. Market Forces

  54. Modern Economy

  55. Monthly Labor Review

  56. Nova Economia

  57. Nurture

  58. Oeconomics of Knowledge

  59. Open Economics Journal

  60. Ovidius University Annals : Economic Sciences Series

  61. Panoeconomicus

  62. PSL Quarterly Review

  63. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Social Sciences

  64. Quantitative Economics

  65. Research in Applied Economics

  66. Research in World Economy

  67. Review of Economic and Business Studies (REBS)

  68. Review of Economic Perspectives

  69. Review of Economics and Institutions

  70. Revista Brasileira de Economia

  71. Revista de Análisis Económico (RAE)

  72. Revista de Economia Política

  73. Revista Economică

  74. Scientific Bulletin : Economic Sciences

  75. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences

  76. South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics (SEEJE)

  77. The European Journal of Comparative Economics

  78. The Industrial Geographer

  79. The Interdisciplinary Journal of NTT Development Studies

  80. The International Journal of Applied Economics and Finance

  81. The Romanian Economic Journal

  82. Theoretical and Applied Economics

  83. Theoretical Economics

  84. Trócaire Development Review

  85. Trends in Agricultural Economics

  86. Undercurrent

  87. Weekly Report

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